Thursday, August 5, 2010

Can You Trust Green and Cruelty Free Labels?

You set out to purchase a product that you believe is green or cruelty free. After all, the label on the product you're holding is sporting an impressive-looking seal - one which appears to be that of a credible organization. That seal could be misleading.

One way to be sure the product you're purchasing is really as green or humane as it claims to be, is to be certain about the seal. One website you may find helpful is, a project of Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports. You can do searches by product, certifier or category, to determine if a label really does mean something or if it's a front for greenwashing. makes socially responsible shopping easy by providing report cards on various labels. Their database allows you to search by several categories, including Animal Welfare, Sustainable Agriculture and Social Responsibility.

One of the labels they deem trustworthy is that by I often look to purchase toiletries and cosmetics with this specific label. Several other certifications I'm familiar with include Rainforest Alliance Certified, who approves of the delicious Caribou Coffee I brew at home; Fair Trade Certified, which ensures, among several things, that overseas workers are guaranteed fair prices. Far Fetched, a line of animal themed and inspirational jewelry we carry, is Fair Trade certified.

By doing a little bit of research, you can feel better about the products you purchase. Don't fall for a label's claim just because it looks pretty. Admittedly in the past, it was easier for me to be swayed by these labels. But I've become a much savvy shopper, and hope you will be too.

Happy shopping!

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