Thursday, February 11, 2010

Win Money for Your Favorite Charity

It's a tough time for charities and nonprofits. Money is tight. A couple of animal rescue operators I spoke with said that 2009 was the toughest economic time they have faced in years.

That is why the Show Us Your Goodness campaign, sponsored by riceworks(r) couldn't have come at a better time. You have an opportunity to nominate your favorite animal welfare charity - although the promotion is not limited to animal charities. In the end, $20,000 will be awarded to one charity; $5,000 to two charities, and $1,000 to 30 different charities. An added bonus for you: The nominators of the three top charities will win $100 worth of riceworks(r) products.

You only have until February 28th to nominate your charity. The process appears simple and no-fuss and the prizes are very generous. As of today, I see there are several animal welfare charities that have been nominated, including ASPCA.

This is a great opportunity to help animals.

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