Sunday, August 9, 2009

Buy Bananas for Sanctuary Monkeys

At the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary about 500 monkeys - including Macaques, Vervets and Baboons - consume 200 cases of bananas each month. That's a lot of bananas, and a lot of expense for the Sanctuary. Born Free/API has come up with some creative ways to help raise money for the monkeys' bananas.

Dubbed Banana-A-Peel, the folks at BFUSA have planted a virtual banana tree on their website. Each time someone donates $25 for a case of a bananas, a new banana will be placed on the tree. Last time I checked, there were 26 bananas on the tree.

There are other ways to help feed the Sanctuary monkeys. Called Go Nuts! Go Bananas! BFUSA will send a card to your chosen gift recipient when you donate to this special project. Your gift can be used to purchase either a 50 pound bag of peanuts or a carton of bananas - your choice.

Follow BFUSA on Twitter for updates.

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