Today I planted red Geraniums, Salvia and Petunias, in a container on our small deck, right outside of our window, in hopes of attracting hummingbirds. With the variety of flora we have in our garden, I'm sure hummingbirds already do visit. But they're so tiny, that if you're not watching carefully, you can very well miss them. We wanted to put the planter in a place that would give us prime viewing for when the hummingbirds arrive.
We've seen the Ruby-throated Hummingbird feasting on our container of red flowers, but got lax in putting out the container the past couple of years. While reading - and savoring - a chapter about hummingbirds, in an incredible book called
Birdology by Sy Montgomery, I have become re-motivated.
If you would love to see hummingbirds, why not plant the flowers they love best? Even if you don't have a garden you can create a feast for the birds in a container. I found several lists of hummingbird-friendly flowers online, as well as those mentioned in Birdology.
Although not as beautiful as the real bird, we are carrying a nice selection of
hummingbirds gifts and accessories, including jewelry and towels.
Here's hoping these beautiful and fragile creatures grace us with their presence this year!